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Office 365 Secure Score | Microsoft Secure Score

Microsoft Secure Score, formerly known as Office 365 Secure Score, Is Microsoft’s Cloud Based Risk Assessment tool. After running the tool against your Office 365 Tenant, you will get a list of security recommendations that will improve your score and help prevent malicious attacks on your Office 365 data. Global Admin is required to run the Tool

Some of the Tasks that can help your Score:


  • Require and Enabling MFA (Multi factor Authentication) for all users
  • Turn on audit data recording
  • Block Client Forwarding Rules
  • Set outbound spam notification
  • Turn on Mailbox auditing for all users
  • Enable Password Hash Sync if hybrid
  • Store user documents in OneDrive for Business


If you have not completed these tasks, your tenant may be at risk. Our Cloud Admins at CompuTech Consulting can help implemement the changes required to improve your score. We offer remote or on-site service in Matthews, Mint Hill, Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Lake Norman, Pineville North Carolina as well Fort Mill, Rock Hill and Upstate South Carolina.


Call 704-499-8967 for a free consultation or fill out the contact form below.

Office 365 Secure Score


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